Happy New Year! As we close the door on ’24, we hope you thrive in ’25. To prepare for the year ahead, let’s look at the year just gone.
[Read more…]Great North Road Improvements Project Update, With Timelines.
Work is underway on the Great North Road Improvements Project in Grey Lynn with stage 1, being underground services, completed in March 2024.
[Read more…]Home Street welcomes Matariki
More than 100 children, parents, grandparents and residents braved a chilly but perfectly clear evening to celebrate the start of Matariki at the recently regenerated Home Street Reserve in Arch Hill.
[Read more…]Our tree is dead – long live the tree!
The historic and iconic tree outside the Army building on Great North Road has overlooked the Grey Lynn ridge for 150 years. Not any more.
[Read more…]Grey Lynn News – September 2020 – News, Sightings & More!
Welcome to Grey Lynn News for September 2020: Rallying under lockdown. Jacinda Ardern visits our market. Your guide to action. And more!
[Read more…]Home Street Reserve on track for renewal despite budget cuts
A rejuvenation of Home Street Reserve has been on Council’s capital works budget since 2014. We kept the pressure up and now it’s happening!
[Read more…]Predator-Free Grey Lynn wants your help to protect native birds
Predator-Free Grey Lynn has expanded its trapping area and now has West Lynn rodents in its sights. Get a free rat trap and help our native birds.
[Read more…]Grey Lynn Park playground and other developments
What’s happening with Grey Lynn Park playground and other developments? Our park was a haven for us during lockdown and we’re keen to see it thriving.
[Read more…]Submission on the Proposed Changes to the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Boundaries
Auckland Council has been consulting on electoral boundaries and representation, which included Waitematā and Gulf Ward boundary changes. We submitted on this proposal…
[Read more…]Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Orea park – Have your say!
Changes to Western Springs are coming. Waitemata Local Board wants your feedback on the draft Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Orea park development plan.
With the help of mana whenua and the Western Springs stakeholder Group, [Read more…]
Have your say on the future look of Great North Road…
Grey Lynn Residents Association is developing a community-led vision for Great North Road from Ponsonby Road corner to the Surrey Crescent shops.
We want to understand the opportunities and challenges for this portion of Great North Rd from your perspective, so we’re running an online survey.
Have your say here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8788Y3Y
And to thank you for taking the time out, you’ll go into the draw for a spot prize! We have… [Read more…]
Great North Road, Grey Lynn precinct vision
In February 2016 Grey Lynn Residents Association submitted a proposal to Waitemata Local Board for a community-led precinct vision for Great North Road.
The proposal is on the agenda to be considered at the next Board meeting. The recommendations to be considered are that the Waitemata Local Board… [Read more…]