Happy New Year! As we close the door on ’24, we hope you thrive in ’25. To prepare for the year ahead, let’s look at the year just gone.
[Read more…]Meet the Candidates Agenda – with Satire!
Our Meet the Candidates event is tomorrow night. With script input from an anonymous satirist, there’ll be great entertainment to soften the hard questions!
Auckland Council (AC) and Waitemata Local Board (WLB) candidates will answer your questions, explain what they stand for and why you should vote for them in Auckland’s local elections. [Read more…]
Meet the candidates on 21 September – UPDATE
Our Meet the Candidates evening is rolling around next week. I hope you can be there. We promise it won’t be boring – there’ll be some cheeky fun for sure!
The attendees are… [Read more…]
Chronicles of our Unitary Plan fight for Grey Lynn
In May the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel will finish hearing submissions on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. By July Auckland Council will be presented with the Panel’s proposed changes and the Unitary Plan will be one step closer to becoming fully operative.
It seems an appropriate time to review where we are with the plan, and how we have got here.
Final Unitary Plan appearance
Late on the afternoon of Thursday 14 April 2016 Grey Lynn Residents Association representatives Liz Hancock, Nicola Legat and Tania Mace made their final appearance in front of the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel (IHP).
It all began in 2013
This was the very end of a lengthy process that began in 2013 when [Read more…]