• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Rose Road Garden Crew vs Mountain Bikers

Rose Road Garden Crew vs Mountain Bikers
There is concern for safety and undermining of the steep slope with the scale of earthworks being undertaken by the mountain bike jump builders.

A group of locals known as the Rose Road Garden Crew have been toiling in the Grey Lynn Park Sculpture gulley, alongside Rose Road.

They have cleared what was a rubbish filled swamp clogged with old willow, and have planted hundreds of native plants over the last 3 years.

The Rose Road Garden Crew are proud of the nikau and raupo thriving in the old swamp…

Rose Road Garden Crew are very proud of the nikau and raupo thriving in the old swamp
Rose Road Garden Crew are very proud of the nikau and raupo thriving in the old swamp.

At the same time groups of much younger locals have been creating mountain bike routes and jumps through the gulley.

Mountain bike track and jumps in Rose Road Gully
Mountain bike track and jumps in Rose Road Gully.

Generally, the two groups have co-existed happily, but more recently, some of the planting work has been undone, trees damaged and specimen plants taken.

This is really disappointing for those who are providing their time and energy for the good of all.

There is also concern for safety and the potential for undermining of the steep slope below 21 Dickens Street with the scale of the earthworks being undertaken by the jump builders, as seen in the photo at the top of this article.

If you know any of these young adventurers, please ask them to respect the work of other users.

And if you want to join in the labour, it’s more fun than you’d think and great satisfaction to be had.

We generally gather on Sunday mornings so come along February 16 and we’ll add you to the WhatsApp group for notification of ongoing work bees.

Grey Lynn Residents Association