Great North Road Community-led Vision

David Batten & Brandon Wilcox of Grey Lynn Residents Association facilitated the development of a community-led vision for the portion of Great North Road that runs from Ponsonby Road to the Surrey Crescent shops.
In a nutshell, the community wants to see Great North Road become the Great North Boulevard – a boulevard of trees with more people, more shops and businesses, and more access for pedestrians, bikes and buses – not just cars.
Extra consideration has been given to meeting the needs of the greater number of people expected to live on Great North Road, the greater number of Great North Road businesses expected to serve the community, and neighbouring residents who both use and are affected by the road.
The Vision document was updated on 19 December 2022…
Concerned About a Proposed Development Near You?

A Guide to Action
This guide is intended to help residents affected by a proposed property development.
Note that if the proposed development is appropriate for the location, i.e. it fits within the rules for the zone, it will automatically qualify for a non-notified resource consent. It is virtually impossible to object to a complying proposal.
If it doesn’t fully comply but any adverse effects are ‘less than minor’, it will likely qualify for a non-notified resource consent and there is little you can do. But if you think the adverse effects are more than minor and get onto it early enough, you can object in an effort to prompt risk-averse Council staff into notifying the development.
If the effects are ‘more than minor’, the proposed development should be notified. Notified parties can submit. This is all explained in the guide…
Committee report for 2022 Annual Meeting: 6 March 2023
Held at the Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street, Grey Lynn, 7 pm.
It has been another purposeful year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association. We have not met perhaps as often as is ideal but a great deal of work has been done via email.
We were not able to hold our AGM in late 2022 and so this report covers activities for 2022.
Plan Change 78 Submission
Plan Change 78 has serious repercussions for Grey Lynn heritage if we lose out on a number of “qualifying matters” being included. It is important you submit and have your views heard. Submissions close on Thursday 29 September, so please act fast.
We published background information in a comprehensive blog post How Plan Change 78 (Intensification Rules) Affects Grey Lynn.
And you might draw inspiration for your submission from our submission that Tania Mace prepared on behalf of Grey Lynn Residents Association, which you can download here…
- Plan Change 78 Submission GLRA Final
(PDF 243 KB; click to open in new tab; right click to download)
Online submissions can be made here.
Here’s the full link, just in case:
NPS-UD and MDRS submission, May 2022
In May 2022 we submitted feedback on Auckland Council’s Preliminary Response to the government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) and the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS).
Our submission was assisted by discussions with a coalition of 5 inner west residents groups that share many similar concerns…
- Freemans Bay Residents Association
- Grey Lynn Residents Association
- Herne Bay Residents Association
- St Mary’s Bay Association
- Western Bays Community Group
Read our submission here:
- GLRA Feedback on Auckland Councils Preliminary Response (click to open in new tab; right click to download)
AGM 2021 held on 2 May 2022
AGM material…
- Agenda – AGM 2021 (click to open in new tab; right click to download)
- Minutes of 2020 AGM (click to open in new tab; right click to download)
- Annual Financial Report for Y/E 31 March 2022 (click to open in new tab; right click to download)
- Committee Report for 2021 (click to open in new tab; right click to download)
Auckland Unitary Plan Submissions
Since the Auckland Unitary Plan process commenced back in 2013, a subcommittee of the Grey Lynn Residents Association has been active in making submissions to the Independent Hearings Panel that will adjudicate on the plan. Here are the submissions that we have made…
- 029 Evidence GLRA (pdf 113 kB)
- 030 Evidence GLRA (pdf 97 kB)
- 079 Evidence GLRA (pdf 75 kB)
- 081 Evidence GLRA (pdf 146 kB)
Grey Lynn Survey
We conducted a survey of people who live, work and play in Grey Lynn in December 2014. The objective was to understand their involvement with Grey Lynn and their aspirations for the area in order to assess and prioritise current and future needs; and provide Council and community groups a robust basis for focussing activities and resource allocations.
- Grey Lynn Needs Assessment (pdf 1.7 MB)