• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Queensland Fruit Fly Update 20 Feb

A male Queensland fruit fly was found in an MPI trap in Tuarangi Rd, Grey Lynn on 18 February. It is the 4th Queensland fruit fly to be found in northern New Zealand since 2012.

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) staff have set up a big network of traps to find out whether a breeding population of fruit flies is in the area. Laboratory staff will analyse hundreds of kilograms of fruit checking for the presence of fruit fly larvae.

The fruit fly is most likely to have entered New Zealand as an egg or larva (maggot) inside a piece of illegally imported fruit.

If you live or work within 1.5km of the find (a point in Tuarangi Rd), you must not move any fruit or certain vegetables out of the area.

This is to prevent spread of the flies out of the area.

To see if your property is inside the Controlled Area, go to this interactive map and enter your address: http://esam.co.nz/fruitfly/

Full information about the controls is in this brochure:
The Queensland fruit fly in Grey Lynn, Auckland – What you need to know. (http://greylynnresidents.org.nz/s/2015-February-Fruit-Fly-DL-Leaflet-Auckland-web2.pdf)
(PDF, 305KB. Click to open in new tab. Right click to download.)

MPI has placed yellow wheelie bins throughout Grey Lynn for the disposal of fruit. They appear to be at many intersections within Zone B (1.5km out from the find), and at every house within Zone A (200 metres out from the find).

Click here for more info at MPI website: http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/pests/queensland-fruit-fly

Grey Lynn Residents Association