• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Predator-Free Grey Lynn wants your help to protect native birds

Grey Lynn News - Predator-free Grey Lynn

Predator-Free Grey Lynn has expanded its trapping area and now has West Lynn rodents in its sights. Get a free rat trap and help our native birds.

Graeme Hill of Predator-Free Grey Lynn (PFGL), tells us the group has recently expanded its residential rat-trapping area and now also has West Lynn rodents in its sights.

Predator-Free Grey Lynn is part of Urban Ark-Manawa Taiao (UAMT) and aims to rid our local area of pests like rats and stoats that are destroying native bird and plant life.

The team’s focus is rat control on private property. Such is their determination to protect native birds from these intruders, they will provide rat traps free of charge (thanks to a Waitematā Local Board grant), and for the squeamish among us will even deliver, set up the traps and offer advice.

All they ask in return is that if you catch a rat, you email them the address and a photo of your catch, turned upside down from head to end of tail. That way they can determine age, sex and species.

They will then register the catch on CatchIT and/or TrapNZ so that they can track how well the rat-control programme is going in our area.

For more details, check out:

Grey Lynn Residents Association