Sign Quiet Sky Waitematā’s petition to ban private helicopter use in residential Auckland areas to protect fauna & flora, and community amenity values.
A resource consent application for helicopter activity at 38 Rawene Ave, Westmere is requesting four movements per day, which is 1,460 landings and takeoffs per year.
The proposed landing pad is within 10m of an important roosting and foraging site for threatened indigenous birds – Dotterels, Banded Dotterels, South Island Pied Oystercatchers, Caspian Terns and Variable Oystercatchers.
In response a group of concerned community members formed Quiet Sky Waitematā Inc to oppose resource consent applications for private helicopter use in residential Auckland areas that impact our coastal marine life and quiet neighbourhoods.
Quiet Sky Waitematā has now launched a petition calling on Auckland Council to ban private helicopter use in residential Auckland areas.
We’re now calling on you for your support. Please take a moment to sign the petition and to share with your family and friends.
Quiet Sky Waitematā is a community group that believes private helicopter use in Auckland’s residential zones causes damaging and ongoing adverse impacts on the Waitematā fauna and flora environments and overall community amenity values, as well as Auckland Council’s vision of a sustainable and liveable city.
To find out more visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/quietskywaitemata
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‘Double standard’ on climate change: helicopters allowed but car use needs to be cut
“Auckland Council has been accused of holding different standards on cutting climate emissions, asking people to reduce car use but not helicopter use.
“Council’s Transport Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) calls for Aucklanders to cut car use in half, but does not address private aircraft.”
Helicopter owners in wealthy suburb ‘flying around like The Jetsons’, neighbours say
A couple have applied to increase the number of permitted helicopter flights at their clifftop property after finding their one-flight-a-day allowance too “restrictive”, but their neighbours have had enough.
Herne Bay Residents Association co-chair Don Mathieson said it wasn’t fair for a few individuals to use their noisy helicopters in place of a car, “flying around like The Jetsons”.
The association has contributed its feedback in support of a move by the Waitematā Local Board and North Shore councillor Chris Darby to ban private helicopters in residential areas altogether.
Ōrākei Local board objects to rich-lister’s helipad plans
“A local board is fighting a rich-lister’s proposal to turn a coveted clifftop Auckland property, currently used as a putting green, into a helicopter pad.
“The property at 74 Paritai Drive falls within the Ōrākei Local Board.”
“The board says while the current application was for temporary activity, its purpose was to “assist a future permanent helipad facility in a residential zone”.”
Full article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/107243348/rkei-local-board-objects-to-richlisters-helipad-plans
Construction of James Bond-style helipad starts, despite public outcry
“Construction has started on a controversial helipad in one of Auckland’s most sought after suburbs, despite opponents saying the fight over the build is not over.
“Rich-lister Rod Duke, managing director and deputy chairman of Briscoe Group, has begun conversion of a boatshed attached to his Sentinel Beach property in Herne Bay.
“Plans for the new structure included a James Bond-style roof, which would open to reveal the helicopter landing pad.”
Full article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/102165201/construction-of-james-bondstyle-helipad-starts-despite-public-outcry
High Court blocks richlister Rod Duke’s bid to build helipad on Auckland beachfront property
An Auckland richlister’s plan to build a helipad on his beachfront property in upmarket Herne Bay has been blocked by the High Court.
Briscoes boss Rod Duke started building the James Bond-style helipad at Sentinel Beach earlier this year.
Neighbours win battle over Stanley Pt helipad
One of New Zealand’s richest families appears to have dropped its fight to build a private helipad in the face of strong opposition.
Consent for the Stanley Pt helipad was denied after more than 130 submissions were received by Auckland Council with the majority of nearby residents worried about noise.
Full article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/editors-picks/8906527/Neighbours-win-battle-over-Stanley-Pt-helipad