• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Meet the Candidates Agenda – with Satire!

Our Meet the Candidates event is tomorrow night. With script input from an anonymous satirist, there’ll be great entertainment to soften the hard questions!

Auckland Council (AC) and Waitemata Local Board (WLB) candidates will answer your questions, explain what they stand for and why you should vote for them in Auckland’s local elections.

Come along to listen and come with your questions.

Cash bar downstairs.

All welcome.

Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:00-9:00 pm, Wednesday 21 September 2016
Price: Free (but gold coin donations are gratefully accepted)
Organised by: Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc.


6:45 PM
Meet & greet, grab drinks, write down your questions and throw them into the question bucket.

7:00 PM
WelcomeNicola Legat, GLRA chair

7:02 PM
Introduction and explain procedures for the evening – David Batten and Brandon Wilcox, GLRA committee members and your MCs for the evening.

David and Brandon introduce the candidates one at a time (with script input from an anonymous local satirist).
– 20 seconds per candidate

Each candidate responds with a self-introduction and outlines what they stand for and why you should vote for them.
– 60 seconds per candidate

7:35 PM
WLB Question Time: A question is drawn from the ‘question bucket’ and a candidate is drawn from the ‘candidate bucket’ to answer that question. Each candidate should get 2 questions in total.
– 90 seconds per question

8:35 PM
AC Question Time: Four questions are drawn from the ‘question bucket’ for Mike Lee and Bill Ralston to answer.
– 2 minutes per question per candidate

8:50 PM
WLB Summation: Each candidate will sum up their position and do their best to convince you that you should vote for them.
– 30 seconds each

AC Summing Up: Mike Lee and Bill Ralston will each sum up their position and do their best to convince you that you should vote for them.
– 30 seconds each

9:00 PM
Close meetingDavid Batten & Brandon Wilcox

The attendees are…

Waitemata and Gulf Ward candidates

  • Mike Leeconfirmed
  • Bill Ralstonconfirmed
  • Rob Thomasis in China and sends his apologies 🙁

Waitemata Local Board candidates

  • City Vision:
    • Shale Chambers – confirmed
    • Adriana Christie – confirmed
    • Pippa Coom – confirmed
    • Chang Hung – confirmed
    • Richard Northey – confirmed
    • Kurt Taogaga – confirmed
    • Vernon Tava – confirmed
  • Auckland Future:
    • Judith Bassett – confirmed
    • Stella Chan – confirmed
    • Mark Davey – confirmed
    • Jonathan Good – confirmed
    • Alasdair Long – confirmed
    • Greg Moylesends his apologies 🙁
    • Chris Severneconfirmed
  • Community Central:
    • Russell Hobansends his apologies
  • Independents:
    • Morgan Averyhis wife is in hospital and sends his apologies 🙁
    • Kurt Bruntonconfirmed
    • Jackie Huiconfirmed
    • Allan Matsonconfirmed
    • Rob Thomasis in China and sends his apologies 🙁
    • Margaret Voyceconfirmed


Grey Lynn Residents Association