We’re proud of the way our community rallied under the lockdown shutdown, and the people and places that helped us adapt. Our highlights…
Whether you found the past few weeks of lockdown shutdown relaxing or tough, we hope you’re safe and in good health.
Here at Grey Lynn Residents Association, we’re proud of the way our community has rallied under the lockdown shutdown, and the many local people (and places) that have been helping us all adapt.
These are just a few we know about. What else would you add to our list?
- The local intermediate school English teacher who personally delivered home learning packs to the letterboxes of every one of her students who needed it.
- All the other local teachers who’ve continued to provide remote learning opportunities for our kids.
- All local parents for surviving the above.
- The What’s App street groups that sprang up in March and since. (Thank you Brigitte Sistig of Grey Lynn 2030 for inspiring and coordinating those efforts.)
- The Dryden Street What’s App group who arranged food parcels for residents at Dryden Lodge.
- And the Peel Street musician who provided online gigs for his street’s What’s App group.
- The daily walks that have kept us sane – all those laps of Western Springs, Cox’s Bay Reserve and Grey Lynn Park.
- Faces may have become a bit harder to recognise out and about, but we’re grateful to all those people who have been choosing to do the right thing and wear masks.
- The Westhaven boardwalk – whether it’s “local” is debatable, but many of us adopted it as part of our daily circuit. That route even came with a free display by hungry fish who would turn a few flips in exchange for bread scraps.
But if numbers are anything to go by, the prize for most popular local lockdown destination must go to the waterfront at Cox’s Bay right on sunset…

Blue sky day? Get there early to reserve your “bubble” a safe two-metre distanced section of stone wall seat. Some even enjoyed their front row viewing with wine and fish ‘n’ chips.
Now it’s your turn: know someone or somewhere that deserves a special mention for helping you through the lockdown shutdown? We’d love to know about it. Email hello@greylynnresidents.org.nz