• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Keeping up with the Cohaus

Grey Lynn News - Cohaus

Grey Lynn’s big Cohaus shared-living development on Surrey Crescent is on track for completion as planned despite Covid-19 delays.

Cohaus is described as “a nascent urban cohousing development in Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn, Auckland.”

Cohaus co-creator and architect Thom Gill tells us construction has now passed the half-way point on site, with external decks craned into place on the courtyard side, and bricks starting to go up on the street side.

“BTW we’re not building a giant purple building, that’s the Gib Weatherline… will be clad in brick,” says Thom.

All the bricks will be ‘bagged’ and painted white.

And those decks? They’re made of cross-laminated timber and were made off-site, then transported to site and lifted in by crane.

“Despite COVID-19 we are still on track to move in April next year,” Gill shared.

“Currently we’re working hard on the common landscaping design for the yards around the edges and centrepiece of the courtyard.

“Our community knows each other surprisingly well already and we all look forward to the monthly meetings when key decisions are discussed and progress reported on.

“This year, three babies have been born to Cohaus households so we are looking forward to a lively first year in 2021.”

In August Cohaus received funding from the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund (LEVCF), which is administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).

The funding went towards electric chargers for Cohaus’ car-share project, with the LEVCF announcement saying…

“Auckland Cohaus (Surrey Crescent Cohaus Ltd) is a group of individuals and families in a 20-home project in Grey Lynn, Auckland who will buy two electric vehicles (at their own cost) and install two slow chargers for a car-share scheme that will show how to reduce levels of car ownership, car use, and emissions in a residential development.”

Check out regular updates on the project via https://twitter.com/cohausnz

Grey Lynn Residents Association