Join Predator Free Grey Lynn (Manu Ti Oriori I Te Uru) for planting and trap handout at Hakanoa Reserve on Saturday 2 June 10:00am-noon.
Last year’s planting day went a long way towards the recovery of Hakanoa Reserve after the previous January’s floods.
But there is always more to do!
Hakanoa Reserve Planting
Predator Free Grey Lynn will be adding plants, weeding and mulching where necessary. You are very welcome to join them at Hakanoa Reserve on Saturday 2 June from 10:00 AM to 12:00 midday if you would like to volunteer your labour.
Free Rat Traps
Predator Free Grey Lynn will also have FREE rat traps and wooden safety boxes available for those who want to trap in their back garden.
It’s amazing how effective a neighbourhood rat trapping program can be in fostering the return of native birds.
DOC says, “One of the best ways you can look after the native birds and lizards in your backyard is by protecting them from rats and mice.”
If everyone puts one or two covered rat traps in their garden, the number of native animals will increase and you’ll be able to enjoy more birdlife in your garden.

Rats love feasting on eggs, tūī eggs included, which is why neighbourhood trapping is so important.
If you already have a safety box and just need a new trap or a bit of advice, drop down to Hakanoa Reserve on Saturday for a chat with one of the people from Predator Free Grey Lynn.

MEET down by the willow log, in the middle of Hakanoa Reserve, half way between Sackville Street and Hakanoa Street, Grey Lynn.
BRING gloves, hat, closed shoes, spade, trowel, water (for you and whānau).
CONTACT Stewart Forsyth with any questions stewart.forsyth@gmail.com