• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Grosvenor Street – No Stopping At All Times Proposal

Grosvenor Street No Stopping
Auckland Transport is seeking feedback on a proposal to install No Stopping At All Times restrictions on Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn.

The proposal is in response to concerns about a lack of turning space at the Grey Lynn Park end of Grosvenor Street. In some instances there is also a lack of accessibility for residents, caused by vehicles parked at the end of Grosvenor Street. Auckland Transport has carried out site visits and confirmed this issue.

To help improve vehicle accessibility they are proposing No Stopping At All Times restrictions at the location shown in the photo above.

Have your say

You are welcome to respond by going to https://at.govt.nz/HaveYourSay, selecting Central Auckland consultations and finding ‘Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn – No Stopping At All Times restrictions’.

Alternatively, you can download the online freepost feedback form, fill it out and send it to them, or call (09) 448-7265.

Feedback deadline

Please ensure that any feedback is provided by 9th December 2016.

What happens then?

AT will consider all feedback received and make a decision on the final outcome. They will provide with an update when this decision has been reached.

Further information

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact AT on (09) 448-7265 quoting the reference number BYL-066.

Grey Lynn Residents Association