• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Grey Lynn Residents Association Draft Rules Update 2

Yesterday the key points of the draft Rules for the association were posted on the Association’s Facebook community page and also the Facebook group page.

Missing from both posts were the first two key points of the draft Rules which are set out below. Also the link from the Association’s Facebook community page to the group page where the actual Rules can be downloaded was not correct. The correct link is: www.facebook.com/groups/greylynnresidents 

The first two key points of the draft rules:

1. The proposed objects of the Association are:

(a) To promote and protect the interests and welfare of the citizens of Grey Lynn and to provide the means whereby their views can be ascertained, presented to the appropriate authorities and organisations for implementation.

(b) To conserve and improve the environment of Grey Lynn and to ensure that any development takes into account the principles of ecology and Grey Lynn’s historical heritage.

(c) To encourage active participation of Grey Lynn’s Citizens irrespective of age and ethnicity in the affairs of their community.

(d) To ensure that Resource Management including traffic control within Grey Lynn respects the rights and reflects the interests of Grey Lynn’s Citizens.

(e) To assist the Waitemata Community Board, Auckland Council, other Regional authority, State or private sector organisation in its work and activities to enhance the best interests of Grey Lynn’s Citizens or any grouping of other Citizens and to avoid adverse effects of any proposals for works or failure or appropriately undertaking works within Grey Lynn.

(f) To acquire by way of purchase, gift or lease any real or personal property or buildings for the purpose of the Association.

(g) To make representations, lodge any applications, make any submissions on applications, to Auckland Council, Auckland Regional Council, any other body having jurisdiction over Grey Lynn where they are under the Resource Management Act 1991 or any other Act, regulation, by-law or ordinance or any state organisation.

(h) To carry out, conduct and manage works, entertainments, money raising schemes, charitable projects, polls, referenda, clubs (whether sporting, speaking, debating, recreational or otherwise) and competitions of all types, in the interests and for the benefit of the Association in representing the residents and ratepayers of Grey Lynn.

(i) To support, affiliate, combine or amalgamate with or take over the affairs of any other Society, body or organisation having charitable objects similar or ancillary to the objects of this Association; and

(j) To take all such actions as a private individual living in or around the vicinity of Grey Lynn could take in order to further the above objectives.

2. Membership of the Association shall be open to any person residing permanently or casually or owning property in Grey Lynn, or any other person who has a frequent and close association with the Grey Lynn community, and who agrees with the principles and objects of the Association.

Grey Lynn Residents Association