• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Grey Lynn News – September 2020 – News, Sightings & More!

Grey Lynn News

Welcome to Grey Lynn News for September 2020: Rallying under lockdown. Jacinda Ardern visits our market. Your guide to action. And more!

Grey Lynn News #1…

Grey Lynn News - Cox's Bay playground

Kia kaha Grey Lynn – rallying under another lockdown shutdown

As we move out of level 3 lockdown and adapt to our new normal, we’re grateful to the people (and places) who’ve helped us all get through the past few weeks.

Here are just a few of those that we know about in our community. Who else should we add to our list?

Grey Lynn News #2…

Grey Lynn News - Home Street Reserve Playground

What’s happening at Home Street Reserve?

In our last newsletter, we brought you an update on Grey Lynn Park. Another local spot that we reckon is well overdue for a bit of love is Home Street Reserve.

The Arch Hill green space has been scheduled to receive some of the Waitematā Local Board’s funding since 2014. So just where is the project at? David Batten went in search of answers.

Grey Lynn News #3…

Grey Lynn New - What to do about a large development next door

Your guide to action

Our Plan Change 26 article drew a lot of interest and comment last month.

While most building activity is a good thing for our vibrant hood, many of you wanted to know what to do if faced with the prospect of an unwelcome new development so we thought we’d republish our Guide to Action to help you navigate the process.

Grey Lynn News #4…

Grey Lynn News - Getting rid of rats

Join the great Grey Lynn rat hunt

Graeme Hill of Predator-Free Grey Lynn is leading the battle to rid our backyards of rodents and bring back native bird life.

His group has recently expanded its rat-trapping area and now also has West Lynn in its sights.

Find out how you can be part of the action and get yourself a free rat trap.

Grey Lynn News #5…

Grey Lynn News - Jacinda Ardern at Grey Lynn Market

PM pops into market and brings the world’s press with her

If you go down to the Grey Lynn Farmers Market this weekend you never know who you might find. On Sunday 9 August, Jacinda Ardern was there, stocking up on her fresh fruit and veges and chatting with stallholders from George’s Garden, Natures Corner Eggs and Papatuanuku Marae.

We reckon local brewing legend Rebekah Hay of Hakanoa ginger beer took the pic of the day with the snap above.

For a moment the most liveable suburb in the world also became the most visible, with images of Jacinda’s visit turning up everywhere from The Guardian to CNN

Grey Lynn News - Jacinda Ardern at Grey Lynn Market

The good news is you can be there again yourself this Sunday now that the market is open again. Just remember to BYO face mask.

Grey Lynn News #6…

Grey Lynn News - Auckland Zoo South East Asia Jungle Track

What (we hope) is on in Grey Lynn and around this month

Finally, here are a few other things to look forward to in September, subject to lockdown levels being at the right setting, of course.

Grey Lynn Residents Association