• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Great North Road Improvements Project Update, With Timelines.

Great North Road improvement plan - street design
Great North Road improvements project plan – street design

Work is underway on the Great North Road Improvements Project in Grey Lynn with stage 1, being underground services, completed in March 2024.

Great North Road Improvements Project

AT have confirmed that construction proper will begin in October and will take approximately 15 months.

The work encompasses dynamic peak-flow bus lanes, including bus stop reconfigurations, continuous protected cycle lanes, and safety improvements to the side street entries and intersections.

The project has strong community support garnered through comprehensive and on-going consultation. This was spearheaded by the Grey Lynn Residents Association, particularly committee members and locals, Brandon Wilcox and David Batten.

Safety for all users and responding to the increase in residential development (an anticipated growth of ~24% by 2031) were the initiators of the project.

The Community-led Vision for Great North Road underscored placemaking, creating places where people want to be, not just corridors of movement, and hoped for a central boulevard of trees. Negotiation with AT has resulted in new tree pits created along each side of the road.

However Richard Leggatt, the Chair of Auckland Transport has noted, “I can assure you we take placemaking seriously. And just to take one of your examples, Great North Road, which is going to tender pretty soon [notes this contains placemaking elements]… I’ve seen the plans and frankly it looks pretty cool!”

So our thanks to Brandon and David and all who’ve put so much time and effort into enabling the community voice to be heard in this project.

And on that note…

Good Citizen Awards

On the 29th February this year, Brandon Wilcox and David Batten were acknowledged by Auckland Council’s Waitematā Local Board with Good Citizens Awards.

Brandon’s Citation read as follows,

“For the past 7 years, Brandon has been working in partnership with David Batten on the Community-led Vision for the stretch of Great North Road from the Grey Lynn shops to the K Road intersection. Brandon, now the Chair of the Grey Lynn Resident’s Association, has given his time and energy on behalf of the residents and businesses in this area to ensure that the community’s vision of what Great North Road can be is realised. The opportunities for pedestrians, commuters, residents, and businesses to thrive under this vision is in no small part to Brandon. Brandon’s tireless work on this project on behalf shows a strong desire to improve his environment for the benefit of his community. Congratulations, Brandon.”

David’s Citation reads as follows,

“Since moving into Arch Hill in 2004, David has been a passionate advocate for his community, lobbying towards many successful community outcomes and working tirelessly with Brandon Wilcox since 2016 on the Community-led Vision for Great North Road in Grey Lynn. David continues to look for ways to support his community, and is a powerful advocate for better transport solutions, cycling, and parking to support local businesses in this area. It is for this type of selfless and dedicated work for the greater good that the Good Citizens Award is intended to recognise. Congratulations, David.”


  1. Grant Major says

    Well done to Brandon, David and the Association’s efforts to improve upper Great North Road and all other people-focused design developments you have promoted throughout Grey Lynn. As a resident of the Bullock Track I implore the Association to have a critical look at this forgotten corner of the suburb. i’m sure you know of it as you join the queues of traffic jamming this street to join the bigger queues along Great North Road below.
    People live in this area too amongst the noise, pollution and traffic chaos. Is there a human-focused solution to this industrialised valley environment? It will be great to hear your views …

    • Hi Grant,
      Thanks for the feedback and yes, Bullock Track is on our radar. There has been talk of it becoming one-way, and also of the intersection at the top being upgraded. I would be interested in your views on what could be done. What are the must-haves and what are the nice-to-haves?
      Cheers, Brandon 🙂

      • Alexandra says

        Hi Brandon, I have commented to people many times that Bullock track should be one way. Just please don’t let them spend millions adding bike lanes to this also, and please no very raised pedestrian crossings!
        regards alexandra

  2. Great news on Gt Nth Rd and well done on your awards.

Grey Lynn Residents Association