• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Great North Road, Grey Lynn precinct vision

Great North Road Grey Lynn precinct vision

In February 2016 Grey Lynn Residents Association submitted a proposal to Waitemata Local Board for a community-led precinct vision for Great North Road.

The proposal is on the agenda to be considered at the next Board meeting. The recommendations to be considered are that the Waitemata Local Board… 

  1. Allocates $10,000 from its Community Empowerment Fund to the Grey Lynn Residents Association to lead a community-led precinct vision for the area of Great North Road between Newton Road and Surrey Crescent.
  2. Delegate approval of the scope and outline of the project to [Auckland Council’s] Strategic Broker in consultation with the Community portfolio holders [listed below].

GLRA committee member David Batten will be speaking in support of the proposal at the meeting. We’d love to have your support there too…

  • When: 6:00 PM on Tuesday 10 May 2016
  • Where: Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn

Background to the Great North Road precinct vision

In November 2012 the Grey Lynn Business Association produced the document “Grey Lynn Shopping Precinct” local area plan response. This document contains a current state picture of the area and future aspirations and opportunities.

In February 2016 the Grey Lynn Residents Association submitted a proposal to the Waitematā Local Board for a community-led precinct vision for the Great North Road area.

The area for this community-led precinct vision for Great North Road inclusive of Grey Lynn village is Great North Road between Newton Road and Surrey Crescent.

Grey Lynn Residents Association is the lead organisation coordinating the plan. Other interested parties include…

  • Arch Hill Residents Association
  • Grey Lynn 2030
  • Surrey Crescent Working Group
  • Grey Lynn Business Association

Auckland Council’s community empowerment unit staff are supportive of the project subject to an agreed scope and outline. We look forward to working with them.

Grey Lynn Residents Association