• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Cooper Street reserve on the chopping block?

We were disappointed to see that the Council’s property arm Panuku is proposing to sell the reserve at 36 Cooper Street, Arch Hill. 

The removal of this rare green space so close to the city, and in an area which is set for intensive ongoing residential development, contradicts the Council’s commitment to increasing tree cover and meeting the Climate Emergency Mitigation goals. It’s also at odds with Waitematā Local Board’s Open Spaces Network Plan 2019-2029.

We support the many apartment blocks blossoming on the ridge of Great North Road; they’re a pragmatic way to address the need for more housing options close to the central city. But liveable cities also recognise the importance of providing communities with walkable access to green spaces; the hundreds of future residents who are likely to live high on the Arch Hill border will not have their own gardens.

The Cooper Street site has been in “reserve” as a green space for city dwellers for many years. If sold, it’s likely it will be used for just a single residential dwelling which will change the face of a street that Heritage New Zealand says has high heritage values. As a pocket park, it could benefit many more.

We have made a supporting submission outlining our concerns and will keep you posted. It’s great to hear recently that the Waitematā Local Board is now recommending that Panuku not sell this reserve.

Grey Lynn Residents Association