• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Disability Awareness in Grey Lynn

Disability Awareness in Grey Lynn
Disability Awareness in Grey Lynn

A Grey Lynn resident spoke at our AGM last month to spread the disability awareness message. It was eye opening, to say the least.

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Great North Road Improvements – Open Letter to AT

Great North Road improvements and linking routes map
Great North Road improvements and linking routes map

Yesterday we wrote to the Board of AT confirming our support for the Great North Road Improvements programme, and two other road programmes.

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Cooper Street reserve on the chopping block?

We were disappointed to see that the Council’s property arm Panuku is proposing to sell the reserve at 36 Cooper Street, Arch Hill. 

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Predator Free Grey Lynn

Predator Free Grey Lynn

Getting rid of rats and bringing back the birds to Grey Lynn.

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GLRA Committee for 2020

The Grey Lynn Residents Association held its 2019 AGM on 2 December 2019, attended by newly minted Waitemata Ward councillor Pippa Coom and including a spirited presentation by Graeme Hill of Predator Free Grey Lynn.

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Here Are the Candidates We’ll Be Speed Dating Tonight

Come along tonight to hear these Auckland Council and Waitematā Local Board aspirants in our popular comedy format – reconfigured into a candidate speed date format

You don’t need to be on Tinder to swipe right tonight! It’s an event that once again promises to be fast, furious, and fun!

Candidate Speed Date - Swipe Right?!? | Monday 16 September
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Latest news on the poisoned plane trees in Selbourne Street

The trees poisoned last year are still hanging in there, and one in particular has thrown up a lot of new growth. As a result of a GLRA enquiry, the Council arborist has agreed to leave them standing for now to see what eventuates. The dead limbs will be pruned back, however, and neighbours will be notified via a letter drop when work is about to commence.

Proposed changes to the Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw

Proposed changes to the Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw

Auckland Council reviewed the current Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw in November 2018 and is proposing changes to improve dog management in Auckland…

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GLRA Submission on Proposed New Speed Limits Bylaw 2019

GLRA Submission on Proposed New Speed Limits Bylaw 2019

Auckland Transport called for submissions on their proposed speed limit bylaw in February. Following is GLRA’s submission…

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Chair’s report for AGM November 2018

It has been another very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year.

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AGM 2018

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Monday 3 December 2018


  • Welcome
  • Minutes of the 2017 AGM
  • Chair’s report
  • Financial report
  • Election of committee members
  • Amendments to constitution
    • Increase number of appointed committee members from 2 to 3 and committee meeting quorum from 4 to 5
    • Standardise notice period for all Meetings
  • General business

Meeting closes at 9:00 p.m.

AGM 2017

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Thursday 30 November 2017


Minutes of the 2016 AGM
Chair’s report
Financial report
Election of committee members
General business
Meeting closes at 9:00 p.m.

Fatal Dog Attack in Grey Lynn Park – Malamute or Husky + Woman Owner

A local resident has reported a distressing dog attack in the Elgin Street car park across the road from the main entrance to Grey Lynn Park.

Key facts of the dog attack

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Grey Lynn Repair Cafe

Our good friends at Grey Lynn 2030 are running Grey Lynn’s first ever Repair Cafe from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday 18 February. Bring your broken stuff!

What is a repair cafe?

It’s where you bring along something in need of repair and a team of volunteer experts will repair it for you, and show you how the repair is done if you wish.

Examples of items you might want to bring in for repair are  [Read more…]

Happy New Year 2017 from the United Republic of Gay Lynn

Happy New Year 2017 United Republic of Gay Lynn

We wish all Grey Lynn residents a Happy New Year and all the best for 2017.

Grosvenor Street – No Stopping At All Times Proposal

Grosvenor Street No Stopping
Auckland Transport is seeking feedback on a proposal to install No Stopping At All Times restrictions on Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn.

The proposal is in response to concerns about [Read more…]

Patrik Schumacher wants to scrap social housing and public space

Patrik Schumacher wants to scrap social housing and public space
Could this work in Auckland? Patrik Schumacher, director of Zaha Hadid Architects, has an 8-point plan to solve London’s housing affordability crisis…

His controversial plan includes getting rid of regulations, privatising all public space and scrapping social housing.
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AGM 2016 Reminder

N.B. New start time & agenda. You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…

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AGM 2016

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…

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Report for AGM 2015

Chair’s report for Annual Meeting: November 30 2015

It has been a very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year.

Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP)

The GLRA’s extensive submissions on the Draft AUP resulted in a flurry of invitations to hearings with the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) throughout the year. Like most residents’ groups across the isthmus, there were so many of these and the timetabling was so onerous that we simply did not have the time to attend them all and so we prioritised them based on the key issues for our neighbourhood: intensification, zoning and heritage protection.

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Save Grey Lynn Shops Protest Friday 4 & 11 Dec 2015

The Surrey Cres Working Group is organising a protest this Friday and next Friday to encourage Auckland Transport not to remove parking spaces outside the shops to create a major bus transit centre.

Instead of locating the new, double-length bus stops smack bang in the middle of [Read more…]

AGM Reminder & Change of Venue!

You are invited to the AGM of the Grey Lynn Residents Association. All Grey Lynners are very welcome, so please invite your neighbours too!

Come along to find out what your committee has been doing to…  [Read more…]

AGM 2015

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


When: 7:30 pm Monday 30 November 2015
Where: Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn (edit: now at Grey Lynn RSA, Francis St, Grey Lynn) [Read more…]

Spotlight on Grey Lynn

With sections spacious for the inner-city, Grey Lynn values its inheritance while adding style.
Grey Lynn has maintained its character while gradually gentrifying. Photo / NZME.
Grey Lynn has maintained its character while gradually gentrifying. Photo / NZME.

Honouring its heritage

The discovery of [Read more…]

Update on 7-Storey Development

This Tuesday (8th July), Grey Lynn residents and organisations attended the Waitemataa Board meeting re proposed 7-storey development at 367-375 Great North Road, Grey Lynn.

The Waitemataa Local Board passed the motion on the spot to call for full public notification. WLB chair Shale Chambers said it was the first time the board had ever [Read more…]

Grey Lynn Residents Association