Suzanne Kendrick has organised a community weeding bee at Wellpark Reserve this Saturday 18 January and we need volunteers. Can you help?
[Read more…]Join Us: Community Working Bee for Mulching in Grey Lynn Park
Ready to roll up your sleeves for a good cause? Grey Lynn Park trees need your help to stay healthy and vibrant through the coming summer season!
[Read more…]Hakanoa Reserve Planting & Trap Handout Day
Join Predator Free Grey Lynn (Manu Ti Oriori I Te Uru) for planting and trap handout at Hakanoa Reserve on Saturday 2 June 10:00am-noon.
[Read more…]Love your local park
Great things happen when Grey Lynn-ers get together. The transformation of Hakanoa and Wellpark Reserves are two recent examples – join us at Grey Lynn Community Centre on Wednesday 28 July to hear how they did it and get your favourite green space next on the list.
[Read more…]Home Street welcomes Matariki
More than 100 children, parents, grandparents and residents braved a chilly but perfectly clear evening to celebrate the start of Matariki at the recently regenerated Home Street Reserve in Arch Hill.
[Read more…]Cooper Street reserve on the chopping block?
We were disappointed to see that the Council’s property arm Panuku is proposing to sell the reserve at 36 Cooper Street, Arch Hill.
[Read more…]Home Street Reserve on track for renewal despite budget cuts
A rejuvenation of Home Street Reserve has been on Council’s capital works budget since 2014. We kept the pressure up and now it’s happening!
[Read more…]Grey Lynn Park playground and other developments
What’s happening with Grey Lynn Park playground and other developments? Our park was a haven for us during lockdown and we’re keen to see it thriving.
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