• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

QUICK, FAST, EASY Unitary Plan Feedback Template

You have until this Friday at 5pm to submit your Feedback to the Draft Unitary Plan.

If you haven’t managed to write yours yet – DON’T PANIC!

Download our short bullet-point template here (http://greylynnresidents.org.nz/s/GLRA-DAUP-Feedback-bullet-template.doc) (word doc format) or here (http://greylynnresidents.org.nz/s/GLRA-DAUP-Feedback-bullet-template.pdf) (pdf).

Here’s what to do next:

[Read more…]

Unitary Plan information display

An information display with details of the plan and maps of the proposed new zones will be held in the Oval room at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on Tuesday

Members of the Waitemata Local Board will be available to answer questions with the support of Council planners. Feedback forms will also be available and a terminal for viewing the plan online.

Date: Tuesday 28th May

Time: 5- 7pm

Where: Grey Lynn Community Centre, Richmond Road


Please CLICK HERE (http://greylynnresidents.org.nz/s/Draft-UP-GLRA-Feedback-template-COMMUNITY-2.pdf) for an online PDF version of the Grey Lynn Residents Association’s Feedback Template on the Auckland Unitary Plan. If you would like a WORD version, CLICK HERE (http://greylynnresidents.org.nz/s/Draft-UP-GLRA-Feedback-template-COMMUNITY-2.doc).

[Read more…]

Draft Unitary Plan Factsheet

Here is a Factsheet written by the Grey Lynn Residents Association, to inform residents about the Draft Auckland Unitary Plan and some of the issues it proposes for Grey Lynn.

To download the factsheet click here: [Read more…]

Committee Elected & Appointed

The membership embraced the election process for the first committee. We had an exceptionally high voter turnout.

Each and every one of the candidates deserves recognition for putting themselves forward for election. It is a great testament to our wonderful neighbourhood that high calibre and number of the candidates was nearly twice that of the available positions.  [Read more…]

Committee Election – Result (Almost)

The election results have been scrutinised.  Five candidates have been elected outright.

A tie occurred for the 6th position.  [Read more…]

Committee Election – Update 6

We are now half way through the election. Coincidentally, exactly half of the Association’s members have voted. Get online and exercise your democratic right to select your committee!

Voting link is: [Read more…]

Committee Election – Update 5

We have 11 candidates for the 6 elected positions on the committee. The candidates’ names and bios are below. Voting is now open.

To vote you first need to be a member. Please register on the GLRA website (Membership) to join as a member if you are not already one (i.e if you have not registered on the site before or you did not sign up at the inaugural meeting).  [Read more…]

Committee Election Update – 4

Call for candidates closes today at 4 PM. A further update shortly thereafter which will contain a link to the list of candidates, their bios and the opening of the election.

Now down to the final hours so put your name forward and/or encourage one of your neighbours or friends to do so.  [Read more…]

Committee Election – Update 3

Call for candidates extended to Monday afternoon. We have some great candidates for the committee.

Due to school holidays the call for candidates has been pushed out to Monday.  [Read more…]

Grey Lynn Street Reps

Below is the list of the fantastic Grey Lynn Street Reps working on preparing individual street submissions for the Unitary Plan.

Please contact Liz Hancock if you want your rep’s email details: lizhancock@mac.com  [Read more…]

Committee Election Update 2

The call for candidates for the committee has been extended to 4 PM next Monday being the 29 of April 2013.

Anyone interested should send their contact details and a short (no more than 200 word) bio to [Read more…]

Committee Election Update 1

Interested in helping yourself, your neighbours and community? Of course you are. Put your name forward for the GLRA committee.

We need Grey Lynners who can commit, at least, a couple of hours per month (less frequent if the new committee determines) to meet and coordinate the activities of the Association.  [Read more…]

Inaugural Meeting Report

Great inaugural meeting last Thursday night. Over 80 Grey Lynners were in attendance as well as a small contingent from Arch Hill and Greg Moyle (Waitemata Community Board Member).

Many thanks to Mark Donnelly for giving us all the benefit of some of his experiences in relation to The Eden Park Neighbours Association and for telling us about his community’s reaction to the Unitary Plan (UP).  [Read more…]

Grey Lynn Residents Association Draft Rules Update 2

Yesterday the key points of the draft Rules for the association were posted on the Association’s Facebook community page and also the Facebook group page.

Missing from both posts were the first two key points of the draft Rules which are set out below. Also the link from the Association’s Facebook community page to the group page where the actual Rules can be downloaded was not correct. The correct link is: www.facebook.com/groups/greylynnresidents  [Read more…]

Grey Lynn Residents Association