• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Controversial Arch Hill & Grey Lynn Residential Parking Zone Confirmed

Arch Hill & Grey Lynn Residential Parking Zone
Auckland Transport releases final plan for Arch Hill & Grey Lynn residential parking zone – and it’s not what you thought! Find out how it affects you…

Auckland Transport (AT) consulted widely on the proposed residential parking zone. 30% of submitters fully support the proposal and another 30% indicated support only if changes were made to the proposal.

40% of submitters do not support residential parking zones.  [Read more…]

The future of Auckland’s transport – an important Auckland Council survey

Auckland's transport plans - have your say
Tell Auckland Council what you think of their transport plans and you’ll go into the draw to win 1 of 10 $50 vouchers.

Give your feedback now »

Here’s your chance to share your feedback on two documents that will shape Auckland’s transport over the next decade…  [Read more…]

Auckland Council wants to hear from YOU!

Auckland Council logo
Auckland Council Long Term Plan & Local Board 2018/19 consultation, hosted by Grey Lynn Residents Association.

  • When: Thursday 8 March 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Where: Grey Lynn Library Hall

[Read more…]

Chair’s report for AGM November 2017

It has been another very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year…

[Read more…]

REMINDER: Have your say on the future look of Great North Road…

If you haven’t already, we really want your feedback on Great North Road.

Go Here Now: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8788Y3Y

[Read more…]

Residential Parking Zones Proposed for Grey Lynn & Arch Hill

These parking problems are why we need residential parking zones
Earlier this year the net of city fringe residential parking zones was widened to include Ponsonby, where many properties have no off-street parking.

Residential parking zones in Ponsonby have had a domino effect on Grey Lynn, with many streets now clogged up with commuter parking and residents struggling to find a car park.

Auckland Transport is now proposing [Read more…]

AGM 2017

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Thursday 30 November 2017


Minutes of the 2016 AGM
Chair’s report
Financial report
Election of committee members
General business
Meeting closes at 9:00 p.m.

Have your say on the future look of Great North Road…

Grey Lynn Residents Association is developing a community-led vision for Great North Road from Ponsonby Road corner to the Surrey Crescent shops.

We want to understand the opportunities and challenges for this portion of Great North Rd from your perspective, so we’re running an online survey.

Have your say here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8788Y3Y

And to thank you for taking the time out, you’ll go into the draw for a spot prize! We have…  [Read more…]

Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 – Have Your Say on the Draft 2017 Plan

Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 – Have Your Say on the Draft 2017 Plan
The draft Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 sets out proposed priorities for the next 3 years & guides what the local board aims to achieve for the community.

Come along and discuss your concerns and ideas about plans for your community.

Here’s what to do…

[Read more…]

Westmere & Pt Chev Face Major Cycle & Pedestrian Changes – Feedback Wanted

Auckland TransportAuckland Transport (AT) is planning new walking & cycling facilities in Pt Chev & Westmere. They want your feedback to help them improve the route’s design.

The project is intended to provide a safe and appealing route for people on bikes with a range of confidence levels, as well as major improvements for pedestrians.

It will provide [Read more…]

Fatal Dog Attack in Grey Lynn Park – Malamute or Husky + Woman Owner

A local resident has reported a distressing dog attack in the Elgin Street car park across the road from the main entrance to Grey Lynn Park.

Key facts of the dog attack

[Read more…]

Looking for work? We need someone to run this community project…

We need a facilitator. Are you a consultant (marketing, management, communications, research), university student, or have research and analytical skills?

Grey Lynn Residents Association (GLRA) is working with Auckland Council to develop a community-led vision for the Great North Road ridge between Ponsonby Road and Surrey Crescent shops.

We need someone to run the research phase of this project.

[Read more…]

Grey Lynn Repair Cafe

Our good friends at Grey Lynn 2030 are running Grey Lynn’s first ever Repair Cafe from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday 18 February. Bring your broken stuff!

What is a repair cafe?

It’s where you bring along something in need of repair and a team of volunteer experts will repair it for you, and show you how the repair is done if you wish.

Examples of items you might want to bring in for repair are  [Read more…]

Happy New Year 2017 from the United Republic of Gay Lynn

Happy New Year 2017 United Republic of Gay Lynn

We wish all Grey Lynn residents a Happy New Year and all the best for 2017.

Grosvenor Street – No Stopping At All Times Proposal

Grosvenor Street No Stopping
Auckland Transport is seeking feedback on a proposal to install No Stopping At All Times restrictions on Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn.

The proposal is in response to concerns about [Read more…]

Chair’s report for AGM December 2016

It has been another very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year…

Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP)

The hearings process took up a great deal of the committee’s time in late 2015 and early 2016. We prioritised our engagement based on the key issues for our neighbourhood: intensification, zoning and heritage protection.

The Grey Lynn Residents Association was extremely lucky that the two chief architects of our original impressive and expert submissions, Tania Mace and Liz Hancock, agreed to continue to represent the interests of the Grey Lynn community. In this this they were ably supported by local architect and heritage expert Graeme Burgess.

When, at the eleventh hour in early 2016, the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) made a sudden lurch and redrew major swathes of the planning map, upzoning many streets in our neighbourhood (and almost all of Westmere) from single housing to higher density (mostly allowing for three-storey townhouses), we called a public meeting to let the residents of the affected streets know and to hear their views about these ‘out of scope’ changes. These streets were: Gilbert, Sefton, Rona, Tuarangi, the very end of Schofield, Maxwell, the northern side of Francis, Fisherton, the northern side of Allen, Wallingford and Old Mill Road. In most cases, the change of zoning made almost no sense.

We went back to the IHP with the residents’ views. We were not the only neighbourhood group to cry foul but alas when its decision was finally released in July, the upzoning had not been removed and the pre-1944 heritage overlay, which had given a modicum of protection against widespread removal of original residences, had been removed. The Council subsequently then accepted the panel’s recommendation in so far as Grey Lynn is concerned. Despite the disappointment and dismay and uncertainty that those residents quite justifiably must now feel, by presenting quality submissions to the panel (and by supporting intensification, but not at the expense of heritage streetscapes) we did ensure that a full heritage assessment of every Grey Lynn street was carried out, that the inconsistencies of zoning that put some very fine streetscapes at risk were removed, and that almost the entire core of the suburb (the streets above excepted) has been zoned single housing.

Little Grocer site, corner Peel and Richmond

We supported the local residents in their battle to have this application rejected and were very sad that the battle was lost at the Environment Court, despite their having a very a strong case. We acknowledge the stress, time, anxiety and money this has cost a small group of local people and find it very hard to understand how and why they were put in this situation. If a precedent has now been established about what can happen in a Res One zoning, then all Aucklanders should be concerned.

Great North Road

Council’s designation of this ridge as a Special Housing Area (SHA) under the PAUPs is having an immediate and discernible effect, with a raft of tall apartments either built or under construction as the land-bankers cash up. It is disturbing to see that the recommendation for heights of no more than four storeys is regularly exceeded by developers, with Council sign-off. Because it is an SHA, locals have no right to oppose. Given this, a detailed plan for Great North Road is now critical so that it does not deteriorate into a shady wind tunnel and through-expressway with no life at street level.

With the encouragement and assistance of Local Board member Vernon Tava, we successful applied for $10,000 in funding from Council to undertake a community-endorsed plan for Great North Road. The parameters for this, which we were obliged to agree to, are, in our view, onerous for a local group but we have nonetheless accepted them because the matter is so pressing and because a poor outcome would be so regrettable.

Work will begin on this shortly, ably led by committee members David Batten and Brandon Wilcox. Our vision includes installing wider footpaths so that street-level café and bars and retail could operate, that there are verandahs at ground floor level, and plenty of street trees, and that the shading envelopes onto the southern side of the road and across Arch Hill (especially in winter when a four storey-plus building will throw a long shadow) be taken into effect when planners consider applications from developers.

Annual plan

Earlier this year the Grey Lynn Residents Association hosted a public meeting at the RSC, where WLB members spoke to the Auckland Plan (in short, the major regional and local projects budgeted for the coming year). About 20 people attended.

Grey Lynn Park

We have had a meeting with Local Board member Rob Thomas and local resident Paul Wacker about the imminent pump track. We are reassured that the new scope of the track will not unduly restrict ad hoc usage of that very important flat area of the park.

We were also in close contact with Auckland Council re the proposed greenway / cycleway through the park. Given that it overlays the main park along its entire course there were concerns about cyclists riding at speed and colliding with children/prams/ dogs on leashes etc and that the layout and approach was too aggressively commuter-focussed. The path seems to be little used by cyclists at this stage and so no concerns that we are aware of have arisen.

Surrey Crescent Shops

We made a submission to Auckland Transport on the proposed relocation of bus stops and various other traffic-calming and pedestrian safety initiatives at this shopping centre. It is very important to Grey Lynn that these local businesses thrive, and we had concerns that AT sees it as a major bus throughway, not a place that is important to locals and business owners. Brandon Wilcox and David Batten represented the GLRA at various meetings on the matter. It is a fine balance between ensuring that barriers to use of public transport are not thrown up yet local shops have access to the short-term car-parking that reflects the quick pick-up-and-go nature of much retail there.


We made a submission to Auckland Transport on the various proposed cycleway routes through Grey Lynn and Westmere, and in particular their impact on Dryden Street, where AT is proposing some very odd traffic calming methods.

Planning advice to locals

We have been called on to advise several local residents this year over concerns such as the removal of houses and construction adjacent to them.


A bright new website was designed, thanks to Brandon Wilcox.

Local government election

In September we held a very well-attended public meeting at the RSC. Almost all the local board and council candidates attended and the evening, which followed a novel format, was revealing and lively.


Thanks are due to the Grey Lynn Residents Association committee members, who have worked hard this year for the neighbourhood, despite their own busy working and family lives.

Nicola Legat

Great North Road Community-led Vision: Request for Proposal

Great North Road Ridge
Grey Lynn Residents Association is developing a community-led vision for the Great North Road ridge between Ponsonby Road and Surrey Crescent shops.

Auckland Council has provided funding via Waitemata Local Board to facilitate GLRA’s creation of the community-led vision for Great North Road ridge.

This community-led vision comprises two parts…   [Read more…]

Patrik Schumacher wants to scrap social housing and public space

Patrik Schumacher wants to scrap social housing and public space
Could this work in Auckland? Patrik Schumacher, director of Zaha Hadid Architects, has an 8-point plan to solve London’s housing affordability crisis…

His controversial plan includes getting rid of regulations, privatising all public space and scrapping social housing.
[Read more…]

AGM 2016 Reminder

N.B. New start time & agenda. You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…

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AGM 2016

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…

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Meet the Candidates Agenda – with Satire!

Our Meet the Candidates event is tomorrow night. With script input from an anonymous satirist, there’ll be great entertainment to soften the hard questions!

Auckland Council (AC) and Waitemata Local Board (WLB) candidates will answer your questions, explain what they stand for and why you should vote for them in Auckland’s local elections. [Read more…]

Meet the candidates on 21 September – UPDATE

Our Meet the Candidates evening is rolling around next week. I hope you can be there. We promise it won’t be boring – there’ll be some cheeky fun for sure!

The attendees are…  [Read more…]

Meet the candidates on 21 September

Bill Ralston, Mike Lee, Pippa Coom, Rob Thomas!

They and other Auckland Council and Waitemata Local Board candidates will be at the RSC on Wednesday 21 September to tell you why you should vote for them in the council elections.

Come along to listen and come with your questions.

Cash bar downstairs.

All welcome.
[Read more…]

St Columba Clay Works Potter’s Market and Community Day

Following the great success of St Columba’s inaugural event last year, this year’s Clay Works Potter’s Market and Community Day is even bigger and better!

Free event – fundraiser for St Columba Church.

St Columba clayworks fundraiser [Read more…]

Meet the candidates – Save the date

Grey Lynn residents are welcome at a meeting where you can hear the candidates for Auckland Council and the Waitemata Local Board explain why they deserve your vote and how they will approach key issues for your neighbourhood and city.

Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn

When: 7:00-9:00 pm, Wednesday 21 September 2016

Organised by the Grey Lynn Residents Association

Grey Lynn Residents Association