A group of locals known as the Rose Road Garden Crew have been toiling in the Grey Lynn Park Sculpture gulley, alongside Rose Road.
[Read more…]A group of locals known as the Rose Road Garden Crew have been toiling in the Grey Lynn Park Sculpture gulley, alongside Rose Road.
[Read more…]Hakanoa Recovery Group has an interest in the nearby properties that were compulsorily purchased after the 2023 Anniversary Weekend floods.
[Read more…]A Grey Lynn resident spoke at our AGM last month to spread the disability awareness message. It was eye opening, to say the least.
[Read more…]Suzanne Kendrick has organised a community weeding bee at Wellpark Reserve this Saturday 18 January and we need volunteers. Can you help?
[Read more…]Happy New Year! As we close the door on ’24, we hope you thrive in ’25. To prepare for the year ahead, let’s look at the year just gone.
[Read more…]Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc held its 2024 AGM on 2 December 2024 at Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street. Here are the draft AGM minutes…
[Read more…]Great North Road works are coming! The works, starting January, will make the road better for all users. Here’s what you need to know about the changes and how they might affect you.
[Read more…]Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc will hold its 2024 AGM at 7:00 PM on 2 December at Grey Lynn RSC. Open invite to all Grey Lynn residents.
[Read more…]Ready to roll up your sleeves for a good cause? Grey Lynn Park trees need your help to stay healthy and vibrant through the coming summer season!
[Read more…]Discover Grey Lynn’s hidden past with author Tania Mace. Join a FREE TALK on her new book The Near West at Grey Lynn Library, 5pm Sat 28 Sep.
[Read more…]Our much loved Grey Lynn has near legendary status. Nicknamed The People’s Republic of Grey Lynn, history is everywhere despite its recent gentrification.
[Read more…]Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre attended out last meeting. We love what they do and invited them to contribute this guest post…
[Read more…]Work is underway on the Great North Road Improvements Project in Grey Lynn with stage 1, being underground services, completed in March 2024.
[Read more…]After years of footpath blockage outside 92 Williamson Ave, work is finally underway to repair the failed retaining wall and free the footpath.
[Read more…]Join Predator Free Grey Lynn (Manu Ti Oriori I Te Uru) for planting and trap handout at Hakanoa Reserve on Saturday 2 June 10:00am-noon.
[Read more…]A porcelain transformation is underway as the historic Grey Lynn public toilets at 594 Great North Road get a 21st Century upgrade.
[Read more…]Held at the Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street, Grey Lynn
It has been another purposeful year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association, with one longstanding project coming to fruition and others progressing well.
[Read more…]Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc will hold its AGM at 7:00 PM on 4 December 2023 at Grey Lynn RSC. Open invite to all Grey Lynn residents.
[Read more…]The Great North Road improvement plan was approved in 2021, then AT put it on hold. Here’s our last ditch effort to get it back on track…
The GLRA held a well-attended AGM at the RSC on March 6. We were very pleased to have Local Board members Genevieve Sage, Alex Bonham and Greg Moyle in attendance.
[Read more…]Yesterday we wrote to the Board of AT confirming our support for the Great North Road Improvements programme, and two other road programmes.
[Read more…]The proposed Plan Change 78 rezones all Auckland suburbs. It is open for submissions until 29 September 2022. Make sure you have your say!
[Read more…]Sign Quiet Sky Waitematā’s petition to ban private helicopter use in residential Auckland areas to protect fauna & flora, and community amenity values.
A resource consent application for helicopter activity at 38 Rawene Ave, Westmere is requesting four movements per day, which is 1,460 landings and takeoffs per year.
[Read more…]Community Notice of event this weekend. Find out more about mayoral candidate Efeso Collins – both his policies and Efeso the person.
[Read more…]Last month Auckland Council sought feedback on their preliminary response to Government’s new housing rules. We submitted on your behalf…
[Read more…]Copyright © 2014-2025 Grey Lynn Residents Association. All rights reserved. | admin | EVOLVE® marketing agency