• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Adopt your Street: Covid-19 & Community

Grey Lynn Covid-19 community support

Here’s how Grey Lynn residents can look outward during this uncertain time of Covid-19 lockdown and ensure everyone in our community is being looked after.

Would you like to do something practical to help right now?

Grey Lynn 2030 has a wonderful initiative for our community. There are already streets in Grey Lynn that have received a small note in their letterboxes from a neighbour reaching out and volunteering to be street liaison during the Covid-19 lockdown.

You can volunteer on your street – maybe start a street group that communicates by text or email or phone or Facebook Messenger or Skype or WhatsApp.

Create a list of elderly or people who might need a bit of help, connecting them with others on your street who have put their hands up and are in a position to help.

Let’s connect and support each other

Grey Lynn 2030 say they will keep a register of streets that have a confirmed adoption and those that need adopting. If you want to both start a group and register it with Grey Lynn 2030, email infogreylynn2030@gmail.com.

You can also email Grey Lynn 2030 if you just need some support or help to run with this Covid-19 community initiative.

Covid-19 letterbox flyer template

Grey Lynn Residents Association has developed a template you can use to reach out to your neighbours…

{Your Street Name} and Covid-19

Hello {Your Street Name} Neighbours

Now we are in Covid-19 lockdown we may need to help each other out, especially the elderly and the unwell who may need help with shopping.

Think about starting a phone tree in your block. We can’t knock on each other’s doors but we can drop a slip of paper with our number in a letterbox if we are willing to help out should they need it.

Let’s let the strong and community-minded Grey Lynn spirit help us all over the next few weeks.

Dropped in your letterbox by the residents of {Your Address}

{Your Name/s}

Grey Lynn Residents Association