• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Williamson Ave Footpath FINALLY Being Cleared

Work underway at 92-94 Williamson Ave.
Work underway at 92-94 Williamson Ave.

After years of footpath blockage outside 92 Williamson Ave, work is finally underway to repair the failed retaining wall and free the footpath.

It’s a dispute that has been going on for years. I spoke with one of the residents several years ago who told me their failed retaining wall was Auckland Council’s responsibility.

They gave me two creative reasons. One that the problem originated from when the council first excavated the road – over 120 years ago! Secondly that their retaining wall was not on their property, but on council land instead.

The resulting stalemate ended in Auckland Council installing temporary concrete barrier blocks to protect the public in the event of the wall collapsing onto the footpath.

Concrete barriers blocking the footpath outside 92 Williamson Ave.
Concrete barriers blocking the footpath outside 92 Williamson Ave.

Those temporary barriers remained in place for years, restricting the footpath to single-file pedestrian width.

The good news is that work is finally underway to repair the wall. The owners of both 92 and 94 joined forces to commission Quantum Construction to excavate and build new walls and access stairways to both properties.

Quantum Construction are currently repairing the failed retaining walls at 92-94 Williamson Ave.
Quantum Construction are currently repairing the failed retaining walls at 92-94 Williamson Ave.

92 Williamson Ave is a once-pretty square bay villa, and 94 Williamson Ave is its twin and is currently being renovated by the owners.

Quantum Construction have undertaken significant excavations and are building a garage beneath 94 Williamson Ave. The garage will possibly add $200k to the value of their property.

Work underway at 92-94 Williamson Ave.
94 Williamson Ave will end up with a brand new retaining wall and garage.

An educated guess is that for another $50k, the owners of 92 Williamson Ave could also have had a full-sized single-car garage, possibly adding $200k onto the value of their property too.

Instead, they have opted for a smaller excavation that will provide for a storage area about half the size of a garage.

Either way, it’s great to see these wonderful villas being given such loving treatment. And pedestrians will rejoice at having their footpath back!